Savanna Mix

This mix consists of plants that usually do well in areas with partial or dappled shade, such as oak woodlands or along the edges of woods. It is typically used to reseed areas where brush clearing has occured. Most of these plants produce seed in the fall.

There are currently 7 workzones where this species composition is targeted, although some of these locations can be fairly small.

Species Common Name
New Workzone
Target Workzone
Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush Grass 5 FACU - 2 - 5
Elymus villosus Silky Wild Rye 5 FACU - 1 - 6
Elymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye 3 FACW - 1 - 6
Carex blanda Common Woodland Sedge 1 FAC 2 - - 5
Carex molesta Troublesome Sedge 2 FAC - - - 7
Amphicarpaea bracteata Hog Peanut 5 FAC - - - 7
Menispermum canadense Moonseed 5 FAC - - - 7
Ageratina altissima White Snakeroot 3 FACU 1 4 - 2
Agrimonia gryposepala Tall Agrimony 2 FACU 4 - - 3
Allium canadense Wild Garlic 3 FACU 1 - - 6
Anemone cylindrica Thimbleweed 8 UPL 1 - - 6
Arnoglossum atriplicifolium Pale Indian Plantain 8 UPL - - - 7
Blephilia hirsuta Hairy Wood Mint 5 FACU - 1 - 6
Campanula americana American Bellflower 4 FAC - - - 7
Eutrochium purpureum Sweet Joe-pye Weed 6 FAC - 2 - 5
Helianthus divaricatus Woodland Sunflower 5 UPL - - - 7
Helianthus strumosus Paleleaf Woodland Sunflower 5 UPL - - - 7
Maianthemum racemosum False Solomon's Seal 5 FACU 3 - - 4
Maianthemum stellatum Starry False Solomon's Seal 5 FAC - - - 7
Polygonatum biflorum Smooth Solomon's Seal 4 FACU - - - 7
Prenanthes alba White Lettuce 5 FACU - - - 7
Rudbeckia laciniata Cutleaf Coneflower 4 FACW - - - 7
Scrophularia marilandica Late Figwort 4 FACU - 1 - 6
Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag Goldenrod 7 FACU - - - 7
Symphyotrichum cordifolium Blue Wood Aster 7 UPL - - - 7
Symphyotrichum drummondii Drummond's Aster 3 UPL - - - 7
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Calico Aster 4 FAC - - - 7
Symphyotrichum shortii Short's Aster 7 UPL - - - 7
Verbesina alternifolia Wingstem 5 FACW - - 2 5

Data as of 09/12/2023

White Snakeroot

Of all the plants on the list, white snakeroot stands out as the workhorse, and one I rely on most. This is fairly common plant at Oakhurst - some people may describe it as weedy - but that makes it a great plant to repopulate a degraded area. It is a perennial that blooms in September, and has a notorious history given its toxicity; it was discovered by Anna Bixby, an Illinois doctor, to be the cause of milk sickness which killed many early settlers. Of course being a woman, her work would only be published in 1928, 55 years after her death.

Purple Joe Pye Weed

Originally there were fewer than a half dozen plants of Joe Pye Weed at Oakhurst, but efforts have led to a decent population being established in workzones F2.2.1, F4.4 and F4.5. In 2023, I plan on introducing seed to 4 new locations to help expand its range and serve as new seed sources. This plant blooms in summer and goes to seed in September, which is plentiful and easy to collect. Seed is naturally dispersed by wind, so anything not collected will go on to seed new spots away from the parent plant.


Another success story is the establishment of wingstem along the edge of the F2 woods. Some of this was harvested in 2022 and broadcast into new locations, and I am glad to say a few plants have been detected. In 2023, I will seed the plant in an additional two locations amidst the existing white snakeroot.


There are three species of Elymus grasses that have been seeded into workzones F4.4 and F4.5, so this is where I harvest the bulk of my seed. In 2023, I seeded the grasses across four new locations.