2023-24 Winter Brush Control

The priority for 2023/24 season is to revisit all workzones where brush work has been performed and remove any reprouts or new growth. The map below shows the full scope of work; the red diagonal lines are workzones requiring follow up resprout control, while the blue are new or incomplete areas.

Once follow up work is underway, the workzone will change color based on the following conditions

  • Yellow will indicate work has started
  • Light green will indicate there are no large shrubs or trees (requiring a saw to cut)
  • Medium green will indicate all there is no brush taller than waist height.
  • Dark green will indicate there is no brush, or area has been swept through with a brushsaw

2023/24 Review

  • Cut the autumn olive in the field and a larger honeysuckle by the cottonwoods. To much posion ivy to deal with rest.
  • Returned to remove Euonymus and the larger resprouts.
  • To Do Treat smaller buckthorn.
  • To Do Possibly cut poison ivy with brushsaw
  • Conducted a sweep through the workzone, removing smaller trees (ash, walnut, elm) in favor of prairie. Small buckthorn cut near the sumacs, along with multiflora rose.
  • Cut a few buckthorn along trail amisted the dogwood.
  • To Do: Move brush to a nearby brush pile
  • Cut and treated smaller shrubs and trees, including walnut, autumn olive, callery pear, elm.
  • To Do: Cut dogwoods with brushsaw for easy access to teasel
  • Cut a couple dozen small callery pears across the field, along with the larger siberian elm and eastern red cedar.
  • To Do: Move cut brush to a nearby brush pile
  • Began cutting the resprouted honeysuckle underneath the mulberrry tree.
  • To Do: Continue work
  • Cut the resprouts underneath the boxelders
  • To Do: Finish cutting under the pin oak
  • To Do: Clear the callery pear and ash from the field.
  • Cut more honeysuckle amongst the dogwoods
  • To Do: Cut the large honeysuckle shrubs (need chainsaw)
  • To Do: Burn current brush
  • To Do: Cut willow with brushsaw
  • First sweep of area cutting the multflora rose.
  • Returned to cut brush amidst the dogwood and near the road
  • To Do: Finish cutting smaller honeysuckles
  • Cut smaller honeysuckle along with larger missed buckthorn.
  • To Do: Move remaining brush
  • Cleared brush underneath the homelocust
  • To Do: Clear brush underneath the cedars
  • Continued work clearing the larger buchthorn
  • To Do: Cut all the remaining large shrubs
  • To Do: Fell callery pear with chainsaw
  • To Do: Continue burning the brush