November Monthly Agenda


There will be two workdays this month.

  • Sat Nov 4th, 9 am - noon.
  • Sat Nov 18th, 9 am - noon.


The priority for fall are honeysuckle, buckthorn and callery pear resprouts. This means we will be returning to areas previously cleared and taking care of any new growth. This can either be cut stumps that have resprouted, or new shrubs germinated from the seedbank. I have a number of spots were I have not returned in a few years, and already the honeysuckle is back with a vengeance.

For the remainder of 2023, I will focus on areas around the hill and lake, before returning to the woods in Jan 2024.

I have created a separate page on my web site where I will track the progress for the 2023-24 winter season.

Last Month Review

Honeysuckle / Bittersweet

While I had initially intended to work on resprouts by the lake, it was a little cold out, so decided to work in a more sheltered area out of the wind. So my scout volunteer and I cut more honeysuckle in the workzone near the upper parking lot. As there are still large shrubs to take out, this is an easy task for a volunteer not acquainted with the plant.

I had visited the area the day before to cut more of bittersweet, some of which had unfortunately fruited. However, it would have been a lot worse if we hadn't had a workday back in spring. Hopefully I can burn more of the brush this winter.

Seed Harvest

I conducted the last harvest of the the year, this time collecting cream gentian, false sunflower, stiff goldenrod and tall coreopsis. All that remains now to to mix everything together, and decide where to spread the seed.