Workzone G3 Report


Year Season Objective Status Hrs Total
2023Oct - Nov Herbicide Teasel Rosettes Not Started - 60:21

Aug - Oct Harvest Monarda Not Started - 60:21

Jul - Aug Cut and Bag Teasel Flowerheads Not Started - 60:21

Jun - Aug Control of bull thistle Not Started - 60:21

May - Oct Survey Flora Not Started - 60:21

Apr - May Pull/cut stickseed Not Started - 60:21

Jan - Mar Scan area for missed brush Finished 2:39 60:21

2023-02-11 The prairie is now clear of small trees and mid-size shrubs, apart from border with F4.1. Still a long of small dogwood stems that will require future work. Need to relocate brush to adjacent workzone for burning.

Jan - Mar Burn Brush Piles x3 Finished 6:00 60:21

2023-01-29 One pile ignited and other piles fed to fire

Jan - Mar Broadcast Wet Prairie Seed Finished 0:15 60:21

2023-01-29 Broadcast portion of the wet prairie seed where ground more water logged. Seed provided Natural Resources.

Jan - Mar Broadcast Wet Prairie Seed Finished 0:15 60:21

2023-01-21 Broadcast the second bag of wet prairie mix

2022Oct - Dec Broadcast Harvested Seed - Joe Pye, Ironweed Finished 0:15 51:27

Sep - Nov Cut all brush from field Finished 5:15 51:12

Aug - Oct Harvest Monarda Finished 0:30 45:57

Jul - Aug Cut and Bag Teasel Flowerheads Finished 12:45 45:27

2022-08-06 Completed cutting the goldenrod field. Removed and bagged flowerheads.

Jul - Aug Cut and Bag Teasel Flowerheads Finished 12:45 45:27

2022-08-03 Started cutting the goldenrod field. Using hand sickle to remove lower leaves and immature flowerheads.

May - Sep Herbicide Teasel Rosettes Finished 0:15 32:42

2021Jul - Aug Cut and Bag Teasel Flowerheads Finished 17:57 32:27

2021-09-04 Cutting teasel re-sprouts

Jul - Aug Cut and Bag Teasel Flowerheads Finished 17:57 32:27

2021-07-24 2nd week of teasel fest - 2 bags produced.

Jul - Oct Herbicide Teasel Rosettes Finished 4:00 14:30

2020Jul - Aug Cut and Pile Teasel Finished 2:30 10:30

2020-07-09 Cut the goldenrod field and part of the hill.

2019Apr - May Herbicide Teasel Rosettes Finished 0:15 8:00

Jan - Jan Spread prairie seeded harvested in prior season Finished 0:18 7:45

2019-01-12 Spreading a prairie seed mixture across workzones. Seed was mixed with filler and spit into four buckets, then broadcast on top of recent snow.

2018Aug - Sep Initial Floral Survey Finished 0:15 7:27

2018-08-25 Conducted a survey of the trees, shrubs and herbaceous flora in each "work zone". This will provide a baseline to evaluate the success of both floral enrichment attempts and the control of invasive species.

Jul - Jul Cut and Pile Teasel Finished 2:42 7:12

2018-07-25 Cut teasel in zone 4 and 5. This is the second year of teasel control. Possibly reseed bare areas with prairie seedmix before goldenrod becomes dominant.

2017Oct - Nov Herbicide Rosettes of Cut-Leaved Teasel Finished 1:45 4:30

2017-10-31 Treated the "teasel islands" in the goldenrod field. Hopefully this will expose some bare soil alllowing for re-seeding of goldenrod/boneset.

Oct - Nov Herbicide Rosettes of Cut-Leaved Teasel Finished 1:45 4:30

2017-10-25 First attempt at treating teasel rosettes with herbicide. Covered areas near shelter 2, and a couple of spots on top of the hill.

Oct - Nov Collect goldenrod/tall boneset seed Finished 1:00 2:45

2017-10-30 First seed collection of goldenrod, tall boneset, and sawtooth sunflower. Seed will be spread later in month to re-seed any bare patches after teasel herbicide treatment.

Jul - Aug Cut and Dehead Teasel Finished 1:45 1:45

2017-07-24 Bagged teasel in the goldenrod field east of the hill.

Jul - Aug Cut and Dehead Teasel Finished 1:45 1:45

2017-07-23 Covered the goldenrod field east of the hill.


Elymus canadensis

Canada Wild Rye

Sorghastrum nutans

Indian Grass

Juncus dudleyi

Dudley's Rush

Carex bebbii

Bebb's Sedge

Carex vulpinoidea

Brown Fox Sedge

Cornus obliqua

Silky Dogwood

Cornus racemosa

Gray Dogwood

Juglans nigra

Black Walnut

Juniperus virginiana

Eastern Red Cedar

Rosa setigera

Wild Climbing Rose

Toxicodendron radicans

Poison Ivy

Vitis riparia

Riverbank Grape

Apocynum cannabinum

Common Dogbane

Asclepias syriaca

Common Milkweed

Asclepias verticillata

Whorled Milkweed

Cirsium discolor

Pasture Thistle

Coreopsis tripteris

Tall Coreopsis

Erigeron annuus

Annual Fleabane

Eryngium yuccifolium

Rattlesnake Master

Eupatorium altissimum

Tall Boneset

Gentiana alba

Cream Gentian

Hackelia virginiana


Helianthus grosseserratus

Sawtooth Sunflower

Lobelia siphilitica

Great Blue Lobelia

Monarda fistulosa

Wild Bergamot

Oenothera biennis

Common Evening Primrose

Packera paupercula

Balsam Ragwort

Penstemon digitalis

Foxglove Penstemon

Ratibida pinnata

Yellow Coneflower

Rudbeckia hirta

Black-eyed Susan

Silphium integrifolium


Silphium laciniatum

Compass Plant

Silphium perfoliatum

Cup Plant

Solidago canadensis

Canada Goldenrod

Teucrium canadense

American Germander

Verbena urticifolia

White Vervain

Scirpus atrovirens

Dark Green Bulrush

Scirpus cyperinus

Wool Grass

Angelica atropurpurea

Great Angelica

Arnoglossum atriplicifolium

Pale Indian Plantain

Asclepias incarnata

Swamp Milkweed

Echinacea pallida

Pale Purple Coneflower

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Common Boneset

Eutrochium maculatum

Spotted Joe-pye Weed

Hypericum ascyron

Giant St. John's Wort

Lespedeza capitata

Round-headed Bush Clover

Mimulus ringens


Parthenium integrifolium

Wild Quinine

Solidago rigida

Stiff Goldenrod

Verbena hastata

Blue Vervain

Vernonia fasciculata

Smooth Ironweed

Veronicastrum virginicum

Culver's Root

Zizia aurea

Golden Alexanders