Management Units and Workzones

Here at Oakhurst, we divide the preseve into workzones, small areas that are usually defined by paths, trails, or a change in topography, habitat, hydrology etc. These workzones make it easier to prioritize areas, set goals and objectives, track progress, and document the distribution of species. It also provides a way of letting volunteers know where upcoming workdays will occur.

Each workzone is prefixed with the District's Management Unit, following a numeric code. The first character of unit determines the major habitat type, which is either forest, grassland, wetland or maintained. Workzones may have a habitat type that differs from its unit - for example, F2.4.1 is a field while G1.1.5 is more woody area of boxelder and honeylocust.

Active Workzones

These are the workzones where volunteer work has being performed in the last 60 days. Click on an image to explore to that workzone in more detail.